I submitted this blog to PPP for approval. Like my other two blogs : A Place Of Being and Wonderful Thoughts Online, Soapbox is a blog that will offer its readers information, new perspectives, advocacy, fresh ideas and good finds! I actually stopped writing for the past months, got busy with other business ventures. But I am back and I am writing again as I've missed it so much. It was hard at first but I am gaining momentum and for sure I'll get the hang of it in a few more days. I have to visit my blogger friends regularly again, do as many entries as I can, check for assignments diligently and get back the discipline. Time management is very important if you are a WAHM (Work at Home Mom), as a lot of distractions, errands to do, chores to attend to, could get in the way and keep you from getting online.
A fine collection of billingsgates in a glass fronted display box is a phrase from PPP that I have to include in one of my posts to prove that I own this blog hence, a mention of that phrase here (lol!). I hope this gets approved. See you all!